


首页 >> 新闻列表 >> 世界卫生组织(WHO)关于“参与塑造临床试验的未来”的调研
发布时间:2023/9/6 14:06:05浏览次数: 2505

Dear Colleagues,  
Can you help shape the future of clinical trials? 
The World Health Organization is developing best practice guidance for clinical trials in response to a request to the WHO Director-General in resolution WHA75.8 to support strengthening of trial capabilities, infrastructures and ecosystems.  
The aim is to provide guidance on planning, conduct, analysis, oversight, interpretation and funding of clinical trials to assess effects of any health intervention, for any purpose, in any setting.  
If you have experience with clinical trials, share your perspectives on key barriers and areas of focus needed to improve the clinical trials ecosystem.  
Your feedback will help improve and shape the guidance, ensuring its effectiveness in any setting worldwide. To take part, please take the survey below. 
This survey can be taken in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. 

Closing date: 10 September 2023 

世界卫生组织正在制定临床试验最佳实践指南,以响应世界卫生组织总干事在世界卫生大会第 75.8 号决议(WHA 75.8)中提出的支持加强试验能力、基础设施和生态系统的要求。目的是为临床试验的规划、实施、分析、监督、解释和资助提供指导,以便评估在任何环境下出于任何目的开展的任何健康干预措施的效果。






截止日期:2023 9 10

About the survey


The survey contains 16 questions and will take 10–15 minutes to complete. Findings from this survey will be used to inform the strategies for the implementation of WHA 75.8 and provide input to further consultations with stakeholders across different regions and countries.


The findings from this survey may be published in a report, a scientific journal, presented at a conference and made openly available. Your identity will remain anonymous in all publications, release of the data and presentations of the findings.


Your identity will only be requested if you wish to be informed about the outcome of this survey and the implementation of the WHA 75.8 in the future. Your identity and contact details will not be shared beyond the WHO and The Global Health Network research team working on this study. The information that you supply will be treated in accordance with the University of Oxford's Data Protection Policy. This project has been reviewed and approved by the Oxford Tropical Research and Ethics Committee (OxTREC). Reference number OxTREC 541-18. For any other queries please email research@theglobalhealthnetwork.org.



调查包含 16 个问题,大约需要 10-15 分钟完成。调查结果将用于为实施 WHA 75.8 的战略提供信息,并为进一步咨询不同地区和国家的利益相关方提供参考。




只有当您希望了解本次调查的结果以及今后实施WHA 75.8之时,我们才需要您提供身份信息。您的身份和联系方式不会透露给世卫组织和全球健康网研究小组以外的人员。您提供的信息将按照牛津大学的数据保护政策进行处理。本项目已通过牛津热带研究与伦理委员会(OxTREC)审查批准。参考编号为 OxTREC 541-18。如您有其他疑问,请发送电子邮件至 research@theglobalhealthnetwork.org。 
